Friday, January 21, 2011

Training and Running Styles

Posted by Admin 11:37 PM, under | No comments

First thought:
The other day, I was perusing running blogs. There are a lot of fast runners out there.  I was feeling pretty down that I couldn’t run as fast as some when training. After going back and forth beating myself up, going through the “why can’t I”, “I should be able…”, “wish I could…” scenario, I was able to put everything into perspective.
Some people are able to train hard and run a decent race. Some train hard then don’t achieve very good race times. Some, and this is my category, train slow but end up running a good race. My training runs are very often just under a 10 min. mile. But my races are any where from just below an 8 min. mile (Boilermaker 2010) to my marathon pace of 8:39 minute mile (Wineglass 2010), a Boston Qualifying time for my age. I should be happy with that.  Besides, if I don’t push the limits in training, my body will tolerate the training longer before breaking down to injury (or so I hope).
I can accept that I’m a slow runner in training and that my race pace will be faster.  Are you faster training than racing? or are you faster racing than training?
Second thought:
Ted and I were discussing strategy the other day. In particular, running at a constant pace or running intervals, and even run-walk racing. Some run-walkers can complete a race faster than consistent pace runners.  Interesting!
I’ve tried to push my speed at the start of a race but my body doesn’t like it. My mile pace is slower in short races (5K’s) than in longer races (15k’s) and it takes me those first 3 miles to ease into a good run.
To sum up:  whatever strategy it takes to finish the race, use it.   Cross the finish line in one piece and RUN YOUR OWN RACE.
What kind of a race do you run? Constant speed, interval? Is running and walking acceptable to you?
Third thought or question…:
Why are my legs so sore from my long run which was only 2 miles farther than last week?
Sometimes I can run long distances with not an ache, pain, twitch, or tingle and other times, I run five miles or less and my body aches all over. Based on last years training, I realize that every long run makes the next one a little easier or at least there’s less soreness. In fact, last year I got to the point in training of running 20 miles and only feeling a little stiff for the first 4 hours after the run.
How many miles or length of time running before you suffer sore, stiff legs? 
Fourth thought – not running related:
Cottage cheese vs. Yogurt comparison. Cottage cheese seems so much lighter to me in taste and texture yet the nutritional values don’t show a huge difference. I like the added protein in CC though.
3/4 cup Fat Free Cottage cheese: 120 calories 9g carbs. 7.5g sugars and 21 g protein.
3/4 cup Fat Free Plain Greek yogurt: 100 calories 10g carbs. 9g sugars and 14 g protein.
Wrap up:  Ran a recovery run today of 5 miles.  Just went with it since there was virtually NO hip nor hamstring pain.  Nice easy run.  The roads were clear, the air cool, but no wind. After the horrible weather yesterday
I was expecting snowy roads and some tough running.
Week Stats:  Total miles = 54  Long run = 14.2 

Good eats:  We were out of most fruit except one orange (shared with the hubby) and strawberries.

An omelet (3/4 cup EggBeaters + 1/2 cup left over meatless greens with HOT Cherry Pepper –YUM! + 1/4 cup chopped asparagus + 1/4 sweet potato – topped with 2 TBS feta cheese) and berries.
What could be better after a good recovery run?

Well….maybe a good cup of Joe!


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