Sunday, January 30, 2011

Oral Care

Posted by Admin 11:44 AM, under | 1 comment

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What is oral care?
Oral care is the practice of keeping the mouth clean in order to prevent cavities, gingivitis, periodontitis, bad breath, and other dental disorders. Oral hygiene consists of both personal and professional care. Dental X-rays may be performed as part of routine professional examinations.
  • Basic Dental Care
  • Common Concerns
  • Routine Checkups
  • Gum Disease
  • Orthodontics

Basic Dental Care


Is this topic for you?
This topic provides information on basic dental care. If you are looking for information on tooth decay or cavities, see the topic Tooth Decay. If you are looking for information on gum disease (periodontal disease), see the topic Gum Disease.

What is basic dental care?

Basic dental care involves brushing and flossing your teeth regularly, seeing your dentist and/or dental hygienist for regular checkups and cleanings, and eating a mouth-healthy diet, which means foods high in whole grains, vegetables and fruits, and dairy products.

Why is basic dental care important?

Practicing basic dental care:
  • Prevents tooth decay.
  • Prevents gum (periodontal) disease, which can damage gum tissue and the bones that support teeth, and in the long term can lead to the loss of teeth.
  • Shortens time with the dentist and dental hygienist, and makes the trip more pleasant.
  • Saves money. By preventing tooth decay and gum disease, you can reduce the need for fillings and other costly procedures.
  • Helps prevent bad breath. Brushing and flossing rid your mouth of the bacteria that cause bad breath.
  • Helps keep teeth white by preventing staining from food, drinks, and tobacco.
  • Improves overall health.
  • Makes it possible for your teeth to last a lifetime.

Are there ways to avoid dental problems?

Keeping your teeth and gums healthy requires good nutrition and regular brushing and flossing.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day—in the morning and before bed—and floss once a day. This removes plaque, which can lead to damaged teeth, gums, and surrounding bone.
  • Use a toothpaste that contains fluoride, which helps prevent tooth decay and cavities. Ask your dentist if you need a mouthwash that contains fluoride or one with ingredients that fight plaque. Look for toothpastes that have been approved by the American Dental Association.
  • Avoid foods that contain a lot of sugar. Sugar helps plaque grow.
  • Avoid using tobacco products, which can cause gum disease and oral cancer. Exposure to tobacco smoke (secondhand smoke) also may cause gum disease as well as other health problems.1
  • Practice tongue cleaning. You can use a tongue cleaner or a soft-bristle toothbrush, stroking in a back-to-front direction. Tongue cleaning is particularly important for people who smoke or whose tongues are coated or deeply grooved.
  • Schedule regular trips to the dentist based on how often you need exams and cleaning.

When should my child start seeing a dentist?

By the time your child is 6 months of age, your doctor should assess the likelihood of your child having future dental problems. If he or she thinks your child will have dental problems, be sure your child sees a dentist before his or her first birthday or 6 months after the first primary teeth appear, whichever comes first. After your first visit, schedule regular visits every 6 months or as your dentist recommends.
Experts recommend that your child's dental care start at 12 months of age. If your baby has dental problems caused by injury, disease, or a developmental problem, see your pediatric dentist right away.

Common Concerns

The following are some concerns that many people have about going to the dentist and dental care.
  • What can I do about being scared? Dental anxiety is being nervous before or during a dental visit. This can make going to the dentist a difficult experience. You can take steps to limit your anxiety, such as explaining your fears to the dentist and setting up a system of hand signals.
  • Do I need teeth whitening? Teeth whitening uses a bleaching product or an abrasive to make teeth whiter. Teeth whitening is not a medical procedure—it does not result in healthier teeth—but it can result in a brighter smile. This in turn can make people feel better about themselves. Teeth whitening works better for some types of stains than others, so talk to your dentist about whether it is right for you and about the products and procedures available.
  • Do older adults have any special concerns? Concerns of older adults include dentures and difficulty brushing.

Dental procedures

The following are some concerns about what might happen at the dentist's office:
  • Will a routine visit hurt? If you go to the dentist regularly and take good care of your teeth, there will probably be no pain. If this is your first visit in a long time, or you do not take good care your teeth and gums, there may be some irritation as the dentist cleans the spaces between your teeth and between your teeth and gums.
  • Will I need a filling? A filling is a substance that dentists use to replace a decayed or broken portion of a tooth. You often need a filling to fix a cavity. Whether you need a filling depends on how well you take care of your teeth. If you brush and floss on a regular basis and limit how much sugar you eat, chances are you won't need a filling.
  • Will I need dental X-rays? Dental X-rays can identify cavities, bone disease, and infections and help in planning orthodontic treatment. In children, they can also identify when new teeth are coming in. X-rays can help your dentist find problems at an early stage, which can save you time, money, and unnecessary pain or discomfort. You and your dentist will set up an X-ray schedule based on your needs.


The following are some concerns about dental care for children:
  • How can I make a trip to the dentist enjoyable for my child? A visit to the dentist can be a scary thing for children. You can reduce this possibility by choosing your dentist carefully and preparing your child for his or her first visit. Most importantly, don't communicate your own fears to your child.
  • Will my child need fluoride? Fluoride is a chemical that helps prevent tooth decay and cavities. It is often added to local water supplies, toothpastes, and other mouth care products. If your water supply does not contain enough fluoride, your dentist may recommend other sources of fluoride.
  • How do I brush my child's teeth? It is important to start brushing your child's teeth when they first come in. This keeps your child's teeth and gums healthy and provides a good model for what he or she will do in the future.
Note:Fluoride is safe in the amounts provided in water supplies but can be toxic in large amounts. Toxic levels depend on your child's weight. A lethal dose of fluoride for a 3-year-old child is 500 mg and is even less for a younger child or infant. Keep all products containing fluoride, such as toothpastes and mouthwashes, away from children.

Routine Checkups

Our dentist will recommend how often to have routine checkups. Many people should see their dentists once or twice a year. Your dentist will examine your teeth and gums for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, and other health problems.
  • Your dental hygienist will begin to clean your teeth by scraping hard mineral buildup (tartar) off of your teeth with a small metal tool. Then the hygienist will floss your teeth, use a polishing compound, and apply fluoride. Cleanings usually aren't painful.
  • Occasionally your dentist will want to take X-rays. The X-rays take only a few minutes.
    • Your dentist or technician will have you put on a heavy apron to shield your body from X-rays. Everyone else in the room will either wear a protective apron or step behind a protective shield.
    • Your dentist or technician will have you bite down on a small piece of plastic. This will help align the teeth properly for the machine. Your dentist or technician will repeat this process several times to get pictures of all your teeth.
  • If necessary, your dentist will put a sealant on the chewing surface of your back teeth to help prevent cavities. Sealants keep food and bacteria from getting stuck in the rough chewing surfaces or grooves of your teeth, and they protect your teeth from plaque.
  • Your dentist or hygienist may apply a fluoride solution directly to your teeth to help prevent tooth decay. Your dentist may recommend a series of fluoride applications.
  • If you are prone to infections, or if infections are particularly dangerous for you, you may need to take antibiotics before you have some types of dental work. You may need to take antibiotics if you:
    • Have certain heart problems that make it dangerous for you to get a heart infection called endocarditis.
    • Have an impaired immune system.
    • Had recent major surgeries or have man-made body parts, such as an artificial hip or heart valve.
  • Your dentist or hygienist may ask you about the foods you eat. What you eat and whether you get enough vitamins and minerals can affect your dental health.
  • If you have active tooth decay or gum disease, your dentist will talk to you about changing your brushing or flossing habits. In severe cases, he or she may recommend antibiotics or other dental treatments. If your teeth and gums appear healthy, your dentist will recommend that you continue your usual brushing and flossing. 

Gum Disease 

What is gum disease? 

Gum disease is an infection of the tissues and bones that surround and support the teeth. It is also called periodontal disease.

The two stages of gum disease are called gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis (say “jin-juh-VY-tus”) is mild gum disease that affects only the gums, the tissue that surrounds the teeth. Periodontitis (say “pair-ee-oh-don-TY-tus”) is gum disease that gets worse and spreads below the gums to damage the tissues and bone that support the teeth.
  • Gingivitis causes red, swollen gums that bleed easily when the teeth are brushed. Because gingivitis usually doesn't cause pain, many people don't get the treatment they need.
  • Periodontitis develops if gum disease gets worse. The gums pull away from the teeth, leaving deep pockets where germs called bacteria can grow and damage the bone that supports the teeth. Gums can also shrink back from the teeth. This can make the teeth look longer. Teeth may become loose, fall out, or have to be pulled out by a dentist.
What causes gum disease?
Your mouth constantly makes a clear, sticky substance called plaque that contains bacteria. The bacteria in plaque make poisons, or toxins, that irritate the gums and cause the gum tissues to break down. If you don't do a good job of removing plaque from your teeth, it can spread below the gums and damage the bone that supports the teeth. With time, the plaque hardens into a substance called tartar that has to be removed by a dentist or dental hygienist.
You are more likely to get gum disease if you:
  • Do not clean your teeth well.
  • Smoke or chew tobacco.
  • Have someone in your family who has gum disease.
  • Have a condition that makes it harder for your body to fight infection, such as:
    • Uncontrolled diabetes, AIDS, or leukemia.
    • A high level of stress.
    • A poor diet that’s low in nutrients.
What are the symptoms?
It may be hard to tell if you have a mild case of gum disease. Healthy gums are pink and firm, fit snugly around the teeth, and do not bleed easily. But mild cases of gum disease (gingivitis) cause:
  • Gums that are red, swollen, and tender.
  • Gums that bleed easily during brushing or flossing.
As gum disease gets worse (periodontitis), the symptoms are easier to see, such as:
  • Gums that pull away or shrink from the teeth.
  • Bad breath that won't go away.
  • Pus coming from the gums.
  • A change in how your teeth fit together when you bite.
  • Loose teeth.
How is gum disease diagnosed?
To find out if you have gum disease, your dentist will do an exam to look for:
  • Bleeding gums.
  • Hard buildups of plaque and tartar above and below the gums.
  • Areas where your gums are pulling away or shrinking from your teeth.
  • Pockets that have grown between your teeth and gums.
Your dentist or dental hygienist may take X-rays of your teeth to look for bone damage and other problems.
How is it treated?
If you have a mild case of gum disease, you will probably be able to take care of it by brushing and flossing your teeth every day and getting regular cleanings at your dentist's office.
If your gum disease has become worse and you have periodontitis, your dentist or dental hygienist will clean your teeth using a method called root planing and scaling. This removes the plaque and tartar buildup both above and below the gum line. You may also need to take antibiotics to help get rid of the infection in your mouth. If your gum disease is severe, you may need to have surgery.
How can you prevent gum disease?
Gum disease is most common in adults, but it can affect anyone, even children. So good dental habits are important throughout your life:
  • Brush your teeth 2 times a day, in the morning and before bedtime, with a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Floss your teeth once each day.
  • Visit your dentist for regular checkups and teeth cleaning.
  • Don't use tobacco products.
If you think you have a mild case of gum disease, make sure to take care of it before it gets worse. Keeping your teeth and gums healthy and getting regular checkups from your dentist can keep the disease from getting worse.
Having gum disease may increase a pregnant woman's risk of having a premature, low-birth-weight baby.1 Also, studies have found a direct link between heart disease and the bacteria that cause gum disease.2 So taking good care of your teeth and gums may have benefits beyond keeping your mouth healthy.

Malocclusion and Orthodontics

Treatment Overview

Orthodontic treatment uses appliances, tooth removal, or surgery to fix the way teeth and jaws are aligned. There are many ways to treat poor bite (malocclusion). Expert opinions differ about when to start treatment. Your dentist or orthodontist may give you a choice between early or later treatment or may prefer one specific approach.
The general categories of orthodontic devices (appliances) are functional and fixed.
Functional appliancesuse the muscle action from speaking, eating, and swallowing to create forces that move teeth and align the jaws. See a picture of a functional appliance.
  • Some functional appliances are removable, while others are bonded to the teeth.
  • A functional appliance may fit between the upper and lower teeth (a splint) or may span across the mouth between the molars, pressing the bone outward.
Fixed orthodontic appliances are sets of wires and brackets cemented to the teeth. These are commonly called braces. Over a period of about 24 to 28 months, the wires are tightened and adjusted, gradually applying enough force to move the teeth (bone remodeling).
Retainers are removable appliances made of molded plastic and wire. They hold the teeth in place after braces are taken off. If the teeth start to move back out of position, the orthodontist may bond a short retaining wire to the back of some teeth. This wire will hold the teeth in place.

Child and adolescent treatment

The aim of treatment in the childhood and teen years is to move permanent teeth into place. The orthodontist will time the treatments to match your child's natural growth spurts.
Treatment for crowding, the most common malocclusion problem, may mean removing (extracting) some permanent teeth. But orthodontists avoid removing permanent teeth when they can.
The malocclusion treatments for children and adolescents are:
  • Extraction (serial removal). Removing some baby teeth may ease severe crowding.
  • Growth modification. This involves wearing fixed or functional appliances during the day and night to move the jaw into a better position.
  • Fixed appliances (braces) gradually move the teeth. For children and teens, this treatment phase usually lasts about 24 months; for adults, about 28 months.
  • Retainers. Retainers hold the teeth in place after orthodontic treatment. Some orthodontists recommend that retainers be worn for many years, because teeth have a natural tendency to drift out of place.
  • Space maintainers, made of metal or plastic. Spacers keep the surrounding teeth from moving (drifting) into open spaces created when teeth are pulled or lost in an accident.

Adult treatment

Orthodontic treatment for malocclusion is a popular option for adults, due in part to better technology. In the past, wide silver bands held braces in place. Today they are less obvious. Instead of the wide bands, a small metal or ceramic fastener is bonded to each tooth, and a narrow wire passes through the fasteners.
New options include:
  • Clear plastic instead of silver wires.
  • Lingual braces. These braces attach to the back of the front teeth.
  • Removable clear plastic aligners (Invisalign). These are molded specifically for you.
Lingual braces and aligners don't work for everyone. They aren't options for children. Your orthodontist can tell you the best choices for your situation.
Orthodontic treatment for adults may also involve:
  • Removal (extraction) of teeth to create more space.
  • Orthognathic surgery of the jaw.
  • A retainer, after braces are removed.
  • Adjustments, such as grinding of high tips of teeth, to prevent continued or increased malocclusion for adults.
Most adults have little or no jaw growth. This means that surgery is the only way to correct jaw-related bite problems. Some adults may benefit from simply camouflaging, or hiding, a jaw-related problem. Using braces, the orthodontist can move the teeth so that they fit together, despite the jaw discrepancy. But surgery is the best way to treat more severe jaw problems.

What To Think About

Some cases of malocclusion clearly require orthodontic treatment to straighten teeth. In many cases, though, the decision is a matter of personal choice. Besides looking nice, straight teeth can improve how you bite, chew, and speak. They are also less prone to decay, gum disease, and injury.
The timing of treatment is ultimately up to you and your child or teen. Talk with your orthodontist about the pros and cons of treatment options.
Orthodontic treatment isn't an exact science. The average treatment time is about 2 years, but it can take longer than planned. Usually, adult treatment takes longer than a child's treatment. The treatment time can vary, so ask your dentist how long it may last for you.
After treatment ends, teeth often begin to shift. Molded plastic retainers, usually worn at night, help prevent this tooth movement. You may need a retainer for an indefinite amount of time.
Orthodontic treatment is costly. Most medical and dental insurance plans don't pay for orthodontics. Before deciding on treatment, ask about the projected cost, terms of payment, and terms of the treatment contract.
Orthodontic treatment doesn't pose risks to adults who have healthy teeth and gums. Adults who have gum (periodontal) disease, though, must first get treatment from a periodontist to avoid possible gum damage or tooth loss. Orthodontic treatment sometimes can make preexisting gum condition worse.

How Can I Cure My Anxiety Without Drugs?

Posted by Admin 10:40 AM, under | No comments

If you feel worried and tense over everyday matters for longer than six months, you might be among the forty million Americans who suffer from chronic anxiety. By Andrew Weil, M.D., Prevention

Situational anxiety before, say, your first date after a divorce is completely normal. But if you feel worried and tense over everyday matters for longer than six months, you might be among the forty million Americans who suffer from chronic anxiety. While some prescription drugs can help calm you down by influencing levels of GABA, a brain chemical that improves mood and decreases distress, they also can come with a slew of side effects, including dizziness, drowsiness, and forgetfulness, not to mention withdrawal symptoms after you stop taking them.
Unless you suffer from severe, debilitating anxiety, I always recommend trying natural approaches before considering prescription drugs. There are several well-known tactics with proven results: Cut back on caffeine (in coffee, chocolate, soda, and energy drinks), as it can raise your heart rate and make jangled nerves worse; seek out a talk therapist; and practice deep breathing, which calms your nervous system. In addition to these classic techniques, I recommend trying one or more of these effective solutions:

Go herbal
Kava and passionflower may be the most effective antianxiety herbs, reports a recent review in the Nutrition Journal. (If you have liver disease, avoid kava.) Other research suggests valerian may also help. Check with your doctor before taking any of these supplements, and plan to take them for no longer than a month. Choose one at a time to try (they're all available online or at health food stores), and follow the directions on the label.

Feast on fish
Research suggests that people with chronic anxiety have lower-than-normal levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have found that balancing this deficit may help relieve symptoms. Add more omega-3s to your diet by eating several servings of fatty fish, such as salmon, sardines, or mackerel, weekly. You can also find omega-3s in walnuts and freshly ground flaxseed, as well as in fish oil supplements: Take 2 to 3 g a day with meals, but check with your doctor first if you also take aspirin, Coumadin, or other blood-thinning drugs, which can interact with fish oil.

Say yes to yoga
Just one hour-long session of yoga offers the GABA-boosting effects of conventional medications, with no side effects. According to a recent study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, yoga is more effective than walking for reducing anxiety, although it's still unclear why. For lasting results, practice yoga regularly and at least once a week.

Sip green tea
The amino acid L-theanine, which gives green tea its unique flavor, also has calming effects. Studies have shown that L-theanine increases alpha brain waves, which are linked to increased relaxation. If, like me, you enjoy the flavor of green tea, drink several cups throughout the day. (Don't worry about the jitters— green tea is lower in caffeine than black, and L-theanine seems to neutralize its effect.) Decaf green tea is fine too, and if you're not a tea drinker, you can try 200 mg of supplemental L-theanine a day for up to a month.
Provided by Prevention

Damage Control for Six Unhealthy Habits

Posted by Admin 10:23 AM, under | No comments

 If you’ve ever ignored the conventional wisdom of health experts on the dangers of smoking, tanning, junk foods, or other indulgences, you’ve likely suffered damage to your health and body. Keep reading and learn how to reverse or minimize the effects of those bad habits.
The mistake: Smoking
 You drained carton after carton of cigarettes—for 15 years.

The expert
Dr. Norman H. Edelman, chief medical officer for the American Lung Association

The damage
Someone who has smoked this long likely has “bad breath, smelly clothes and hair, beginning wrinkles, discolored teeth and perhaps nails,” says Dr. Edelman. “In addition, their exercise tolerance is likely to be limited to some degree and they are likely to have chronic smoker’s cough.”

Smoking: Damage control
After quitting cigarettes, long-time smokers should check for lung damage. To do this, Dr. Edelman recommends asking your health care provider for a simple breathing test called a spirometry, which can be performed in your doctor’s office to evaluate lung health.

In our scenario, which involves a smoker of 15 years, most of the symptoms listed on the previous slide are reversible after quitting cigarettes, says Dr. Edelman. Kick the habit and the bad breath, coughing, and strong body odor will likely fade away. What sticks around, according to our expert, are the wrinkles and discoloration. Still, it’s worth noting that upon quitting, the physical ramifications of smoking won’t progress. Need more incentive? Swearing off nicotine is “the most effective preventive action anyone can take to insure better health,” according to Edelman. “On the average, it will add six to eight years to one’s life.”

The mistake: Sun without sunscreen
Every summer, you’ve splashed in the pool, picnicked in full sun, and played one too many match of beach volleyball—without sunscreen. You may have even paid some visits to the tanning salon for a head start on your summer glow.

The expert
Dr. Arielle Kauvar, associate professor of dermatology at NYU’s School of Medicine
The damage
“Aside from causing skin cancer, sun exposure and indoor tanning are the major causes of skin aging,” says Dr. Kauvar. “Severely sun damaged skin will have a dry, dull appearance, uneven skin pigmentation and freckling, visible capillaries, and wrinkles.”

Sun without sunscreen: Damage control
Start by having a full-body skin examination by a dermatologist,” says Dr. Kauvar, who points out that this recommended yearly exam is especially important for people who have had a lot of sun exposure. Next, invest in a good broad-spectrum sunscreen. Select one with UVB and UVA coverage and SPF of 30 or higher, then pair this with a topical anti-oxidant. “Antioxidants neutralize the damage from the sun’s rays that pass through the sunscreen,” says Dr. Kauvar. Finally, “Avoid direct exposure between the peak hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.,” says our expert. If you must head outdoors during these hours, wear protective clothing and break out the sunscreen.

The mistake: Poor dental hygiene
Your toothbrush and floss are buried in the bathroom drawer, and you can’t remember the last time you visited the dentist.

The expert
Matthew Messina, dentist with a private practice in Fairview Park, Ohio, and consumer adviser for the American Dental Association

The damage
“Just because someone ignores the bacteria present in their mouth doesn’t mean the bacteria will return the favor and ignore them,” says Messina. “Failure to address the damage from bacteria will lead to cavities, gum inflammation, gum recession, and periodontal disease [also known as gum disease]. Eventually, this will lead to infection and tooth loss.” Though your mouth may seem like a lost cause, there's no need to throw in the towel, says our expert. “While there will likely be damage that we have to address with some dental work to 'make up' for the routine maintenance that hasn't been done for some time, usually things aren't as bad as people fear.”

Poor dental hygiene: Damage control
To start, says Messina, “It’s time to get a new toothbrush and begin to put it to use. Try brushing after breakfast and before bed and work up from there.” Next, bring your floss out of retirement. “While flossing daily is best, three times a week is better than none,” says our expert. Finally, make an appointment with your dentist for a thorough exam. Beyond any special treatment that may be in order, “a professional cleaning will be needed to remove the hard tartar buildup that brushing and flossing won’t get off,” says Messina.

The mistake: Junk-food junkie
The building blocks of your personal food pyramid include items from the office vending machine and the local fast food chain.

The expert
Lona Sandon, registered dietician and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association

The damage
“It took years to get to this point, and it will take years to reverse it,” says Sandon. “Start assessing the consequences of the past by stepping on the scale.” Our expert recommends calculating your body mass index (BMI) to determine if you are at a healthy weight. “Next, visit your doctor to find out your blood pressure and cholesterol levels,” says Sandon.

Damage control
Cleaning up your diet for the long run requires both a strategy and advance preparation—but the good news is that your game plan is relatively simple, says Sandon.

Step 1: Make a list of fruits and vegetables you like and will eat. Buy these items and keep them within reach in case hunger strikes.

Step 2: Draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper. On one side, list snacks you typically choose and when you usually eat them. On the other side, write down a healthier snack option for that snack and time. Plan to eat the healthier alternatives whether at home or work.

Step 3: Think small. Start with small goals that you know you can reach, like eating two servings of fruits per day instead of going for the full four. After you meet these modest goals, shoot for a slightly bigger goal. It’s all about sustainable, lifelong changes—nothing too dramatic.

Step 4: Add more physical activity in your day. One option is to walk the stairs at work during your break. Just be sure to wear comfortable shoes or keep a pair of sneakers at your desk. Setting up your environment with all the right tools encourages healthy behaviors.

The mistake: Unprotected sex
You’ve had more than a few sexual partners—and you often skipped the condom.

The expert
Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, medical director of the Seattle STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

The damage
Having unprotected sex puts you at risk for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases—and the more partners involved, the greater the risk.

Unprotected sex: Damage control
“While the incidence of HIV remains low in the U.S. in many populations, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently recommended that all adults be tested for HIV at least once. This is an excellent opportunity to get that done,” says Dr. Marrazzo. Free tests are available at many clinics and community organizations.

Beyond HIV, our expert recommends a blood test for anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated for Hepatitis B or anyone with recurring genital rashes or sores (often the result of a very common sexually transmitted infection called genital herpes). “If a person is in his or her 30s and has no genital symptoms, I would not recommend routine testing for other sexually transmitted infections, like chlamydia or gonorrhea,” says Dr. Marrazzo.

As for guaranteeing your future sexual health, our expert recommends finding a good health care provider with whom you can comfortably and openly discuss any of your concerns.

The mistake: Heavy drinking
In college you majored in drinking and your bar-hopping habits didn’t stop on graduation day.

The expert
Mark L. Willenbring, M.D., director for the division of treatment and recovery research at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
The damage
“Risky drinking is defined as more than four drinks a day for men or three for women on any given day, and more than 14 drinks for men or 7 for women in a typical week,” according to Dr. Willenbring. “Exceeding this daily limit even 12 times a year places the drinker at increased risk for alcohol use disorders, alcohol abuse, and alcohol dependence. Of course, the impact of drinking to excess differs according to an individual’s mental health history, family history, and personal experiences: “If a parent or sibling is dependent on alcohol, a person’s risk of developing dependence increases by a factor of two to four times,” says Dr. Willenbring. The good news is that “many people who drink excessively in their 20s incur no lasting damage.”

Damage control
Former heavy drinkers and binge drinkers (defined as males who consume upward of five drinks and women who consume upward of four drinks in a two-hour period) should “initiate a personal health promotion program focused on diet, exercise, sleep, and social support,” says Dr. Willenbring. This should include learning new behaviors to fulfill the same purpose that drinking once served. Reformed social drinkers, for instance, might satisfy their desire to interact with others by enrolling in a community class or a recreational sport. Those individuals who used alcohol to self-medicate during times of stress might search for a relaxing new hobby like yoga. The goal is to promote well-being and self-confidence. Dr. Willenbring concludes, “Remain vigilant. Know how much and how often you drink and why.” 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dry Eye Syndrome Common in Winter

Posted by Admin 10:17 PM, under | No comments

Cold, dry air can cause pain, tearing, blurred vision. Here's help

SATURDAY, Jan. 29 (HealthDay News) -- Dry eye syndrome is common in winter because of cold, dry outdoor air and dry indoor heat, says an eye expert.
Symptoms include pain, blurred vision, a scratchy or burning sensation, or even watery eyes as the eyes try to compensate for the dryness, explains Pittsburgh-area ophthalmologist Dr. Michael Azar.
"Because both dry eye and allergies can cause watery eyes, differentiating the two conditions can be difficult and may require an eye exam," he said in a news release from the Institute for Good Medicine at the Pennsylvania Medical Society.
Dry eye can occur at any age, but is more common among older adults, especially post-menopausal women. In some people, dry eye syndrome may be related to:
  • Conditions that affect the ability to produce tears, such as scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, and collagen vascular diseases.
  • Certain medications, such as diuretics, antihistamines and beta blockers.
  • Eyelid structural problems that prevent them from closing properly.
Azar outlined some ways to deal with dry eye syndrome.
"Try artificial tears or warm compresses to assist with tear secretion if you have classic dry eye symptoms. At home, a furnace humidifier or room humidifier can help. More severe symptoms may require treatment such as oral doxycycline to improve tear quality, punctal plugs [stoppers inserted into the tear duct], topical steroids or topical cyclosporine (Restasis)," he said.
For most people, dry eye is simply a nuisance.
"However, severe dry eye can make you vulnerable to corneal infections, which can permanently affect your vision," said Azar. If artificial tears don't work, schedule an appointment with an ophthalmologist, he advised.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Some Of The Common Flu Season Myths

Posted by Admin 3:43 AM, under | No comments

The common flu season myths are popular among people. The myths need to be done away with so that adequate measures can be taken to fight flu.

There are several myths that are doing the rounds as the flu season has made its presence felt. Everyone is feeling paranoia that they will catch flu. There are certain preconceived notions that people swear by regarding this very common but harmful disease, flu. It is best to shun the myths so that you get to know what is harmful for your body and what is not. In order to do away with the myths, you need to know the common flu season myths.
Flu Is Caused By Viruses
When your immune system fails to act as a strong shield and gives in to the wish of the viruses, you get flu. Flu or influenza can affect you in a mild way and can be grave at the same time. Flu can prove fatal and can lead to death also. Some of the common symptoms that people feel are fever, headache, body ache, exhaustion, dry cough, nausea, diarrhea and the like.
Covering yourself with heaps of blanket aids in sweating out cold or flu
It is one of the popular and common flu season myths that flu can be combated in the best way if the affected person is covered with a lot of blankets. Even when a person suffering from cold is doused with blankets, he undoubtedly sweats but that is not a method to get rid of flu or cold. If you feel you are suffering from cold and cannot get rid of it, you should immediately seek for medical help.
Antibiotics can fight the flu
It is a common belief that if you take in antibiotics, you can get rid of flu. However, in reality, antibiotics are taken to cure bacterial infections and not viruses. Flu is caused by viruses and not bacteria.
You can be infected with flu after taking a flu shot
Another myth that is very common is that the vaccination that you get so that you do not get infected with flu is believed to act otherwise. Many people believe that the flu shot constitutes of weakened form of flu virus. Though the flu shot has some elements of the flu bug, and its dead virus. In reality, it is not potential enough to make a person sick. Remember you take the flu shot to protect yourself so that you do not get flu when the flu season is at its pick.
Cold Weather Is Responsible For Flu
One of the most common flu season myths is that being exposed to the cold weather increases your chance of catching flu. In reality, the colder months have got no connection in making you prone to getting flu. The flu season affects people in tune with the natural cycle of the virus.
There Is No Way To Curb The Duration Of The Flu
The short cut routes that people take do not work most of the times. However, some can work in your favor like antiviral medication. You need to take the prescribed medicine within forty-eight hours after becoming aware of the symptoms. It is one of the common flu season myths that there is no proper medicine available to shorten the duration of flu.

Effectual Treatment for Dark Upper Lip

Posted by Admin 3:19 AM, under , | 2 comments

How To Treat Dark Upper Lip

If you have dark upper lip , you must be aware how these dark patches are stubborn. They take prolonged treatment to fade.These marks sometimes spread to both the cheeks, forehead and some other exposed body parts like arms and neck.If you want to fade these marks you need to have lot of patience. You can try some natural methods. But there are some cosmetic procedures like chemical peel, microdermabrasion and laser resurfacing which give quicker result. These procedures are a bit costly and require repeated visits to your dermatologist. This is the reason some people look for natural ways to treat dark upper lip skin condition.
Different Options For Treating Dark Upper Lip
You should remember that it is very difficult to completely remove these marks and it requires prolonged period of treatment and medication. In fact cosmetic companies are shelling out many products that promise to remove these marks overnight. If you use them regularly you do get some beneficial result. But successful treatment of dark upper lip is not that easy. Once you stop using these products, the marks return again. So what is the solution?
Reasons For Dark Upper Lip
Actually the solution lies at the cause. You need to find out what caused darkening of the skin on the upper part of your lip and caused facial pigmentation. This skin problem arises due to many factors. The most common are given below.
  • Over exposure to the sun.
  • Reaction to some cosmetics.
  • Allergic reaction to certain medicines like antibiotics or anti depressants.
  • Hormonal imbalance due to use of birth control pills or pregnancy.
  • Excessive use of the tanning booth has the same effect as over exposure to the sun.
  • Improper threading or waxing of upper lip.
Effective Treatment for Dark Upper Lip
So how do you treat this problem now that you know the reasons?
  • Protect yourself from sun by using good quality sun screen lotion.
  • Change or discontinue use of the cosmetic you are allergic to
  • If the medicine you are taking is causing pigmentation ask your doctor for a change of prescription or simply wait till the prescribed period is over.
  • Avoid tanning booth and being out in the sun.
  • Stop waxing or threading upper lip till the darkness fades and your skin is normal.
Home Remedy For Treatment of Dark Upper Lip
Now comes the actual treatment part. In can be a two way treatment procedure. You need regular exfoliation to remove damaged and darkened skin. You need to use skin whitening product or creams to whiten the skin and help fade the pigmentation.There is one natural ingredient that works miracles for dark upper lip and melasma. In fact it is very effective in treating all kinds of skin pigmentation. Take one teaspoon of fresh cream, a pinch of turmeric powder and few drops of lemon juice. Make a paste. Apply it evenly on the affected area. Let this mask stay on your skin for half an hour. Splash cold water on to clean your face. Do this everyday for at least a fortnight and you will be amazed with result.
In fact the best treatment for this skin condition and all kinds of facial pigmentation is by the use of natural herbs, certain medicinal plant extracts and some very effective vegetables that do wonders for your skin pigmentation treatment. You do not believe me? Check out this article which tells you of tons of products for effective treatment of Dark Upper Lip and all kinds of facial pigmentation.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Best Way to Lose Weight - Significant Facts You Should be Aware of

Posted by Admin 11:40 PM, under | No comments

If you've been looking for an article that gives you the best way to lose weight, then you're reading the right one. This is that article. In the paragraphs that follow, you will know the most effective strategy for weight loss that transcends diet and exercise. Hands down, this is the best way to shed those excess pounds and keep them off for life. Ready?

Paradigm shift. That's it. Those two simple words hold the key to losing the weight. This is the best way to shed those pounds. What is paradigm shift?

It simply means a change in perspective. Far too many people approach weight loss with a very myopic view. Follow a diet. Exercise. Control your calories. Boost your metabolism. All these are physical activities that you can do to jumpstart your way to weight loss. And most of the time, these diet and exercise systems fail miserably. Why? Because they lack that vital psychological preparation necessary to make the physical aspect succeed.

Paradigm shift means looking at weight loss as a means for better health. It's not simply a matter of shedding off the excess pounds. It's looking at what losing those pounds can do for your body in the long run. Think more efficient cardiovascular, digestive and gastrointestinal systems that will reduce your risk of premature death. If you have a 3- year old kid who still needs you for a good many more years, you've got a powerful motivation right there to keep the weight off and stay healthy for life.

When you choose your meals, you're more than just eating to burn fat, you're giving your body the nutrients it needs to ward off disease and aging. When your career is just starting and you know you have your life ahead of you, wouldn't you want to experience everything it has to offer? Wouldn't it be great to be able to explore worlds and places and go anywhere you'd like to go without being hindered by any form of infirmity or weakness?

When you drink enough water, get lots of sleep and manage your stress, you must operate from a paradigm of a healthy lifestyle change. You're doing all these not simply to lose weight (because these are essential to successful weight loss), you're doing it to keep yourself in tip-top shape so you can become productive and make something of your life. The reason why so many people cannot continue for long with any diet regimen is they see it as a means of losing weight alone. That is too narrow a view, even for the vainest among us. It's got to be something more precious than for the sake of pure aesthetics alone.

Paradigm shift is the best way to lose weight hands down because it engages the heart and mind. Before you can tell the body what to do and make it observe any system wholeheartedly, you have to prepare yourself psychologically and emotionally for it. It entails viewing weight loss not only in terms of shedding those extra pounds, but as part of an overall healthy lifestyle dedicated for yourself, your children, your wife, your job or a cause you believe in.

Health Determinants

Posted by Admin 10:51 PM, under | No comments

As per La Londe report there are four general health determinants which are healthcare services, lifestyle, environment and human biology. Thus health is improved and maintained not only through the application and advancement of health science, but also through the intelligent lifestyle and efforts of the society and individual.
The relationship between health and lifestyle has been examined by Alameda County Study. It has found that people can improve their health through exercise, avoiding smoking, limiting alcohol use, maintaining a healthy weight and enough sleep.
Water quality is a major environmental factor affecting health especially the health of children and infants in developing countries.
In developed countries studies show that lack of neighborhood space for recreation which includes the natural environment leads to higher levels of obesity and lower neighborhood satisfaction; hence overall wellbeing is lower.
As per the WHO, the main determinants of health include the economic and social environment, the person’s individual characteristics, behaviors and the physical environment. The context in which an individual lives in greatly influences his life quality and health status. The economic and social environment are main factors which determine the health condition of individuals due to the fact that higher education levels are associated to higher income and higher standard of life. Generally, people having higher qualification are more likely to get a better job when compared to those having low education levels. Therefore the former are less prone to stress.
When classifying the health status of  an individual the most important factor to be considered is the physical environment. This includes factors like safe houses, clean water and air, communities and roads.
The health of the population can be established on the basis of part of the system called genetics. Genetics are deeply related to the behavior and habits of individuals developed during their life time, in terms of lifestyle choices particularly.

What is Healthy Diet

Posted by Admin 10:49 PM, under | No comments

Healthy and nutritious foods are considered as the general medicines of human beings. If people can rely on nutritious healthy food always, then they need not fear about any unhealthy conditions in their life. Unhealthy food deposits impurities in our blood whereas nutritious and healthy food clears blood to a greater extend. An individual’s health foundation starts from his embryonic stage. That is why women are advised to take high grade nutritious food during their pregnancy stages. In addition to healthy food pregnant women should take milk and fruits daily. Milk and fruits are capable to provide essential vitamins and minerals to pregnant women. As far as these pregnant women are concerned folic acid is very important. Folic acid is one among the important vitamins and is an inevitable factor for the development of embryonic nervous system. Since brain is the first part which usually develops in a fetus the presence of folic acid in the blood of pregnant lady ensures well developed brain and nervous system to the respective embryo. Hence, the presence of folic acid in the diet of pregnant women can avoid the birth of mentally retarded children to a greater extend.
Human body needs healthy food for the proper functioning of hormonal and metabolic activities taking place. The scarcity of essential boosters to the above mentioned body functions, makes hormone deficiencies and poor metabolic growth in the body. On account of hormone deficiency and poor metabolism men usually suffer hair falling and infertility. People suffering from hair falling are advised to take egg, milk and fruits to makeup the hormone deficiency. Similarly dry fruits like Dates and Badam are advised for people suffering from infertility in addition to milk and egg. Hence to make people free from various health problems they are advised to take milk and egg in addition regular nutritious food.

Exercises For Health

Posted by Admin 10:47 PM, under | No comments

Year’s ago people had to work hard for finding their living means. During that time majority of people’s job was cultivation. The people who had performed office jobs and other governmental jobs were negligible. More over there were no vehicle facilities at that time as if we are experiencing nowadays. Hence people had to walk long distances for reaching their destination. The only vehicle which was common during that period was bicycles. Since walking and bicycle riding were very good body exercises there were no needs of extra exercises for those people who rely on bicycles and walking. Thus even office going people were in good health condition because of their to and fro walking and bicycle riding. But nowadays there are facilities of two wheelers, three wheelers and four wheelers in addition to regular bus services. Hence people have no need to walk even to cover short distances. Thus these advantages minimized the body exertion of people on a large scale. That is how the need of separate physical exercises aroused among people for maintaining good health condition.
Regarding various health exercises nothing is better than simple walking. On e hour walking in the morning and evening is sufficient to ensure proper health condition to people who have no physical exertion during day hours. If open place can be chosen for walking people can breathe fresh air during morning. Morning hours ensure unpolluted air in all respects. Other fitness activities similar to walking are swimming, bicycling and running at minimum speed. All these activities are capable to provide all body movement and hence they are good exercises also. Other body fitness activities are exercises, weight lifting and body building. Since all these activities are to be performed indoors the advantages of fresh cannot be enjoyed for those who prefer body building and weight lifting. But all these activities are very good for keeping good health in all respects.

Seasonal Diet For Better Health

Posted by Admin 10:06 PM, under | No comments

Controlling weight and caring body health should be continuous process in all aspects. Hence body caring must be in full swing in all seasons of the year irrespective of rain winter or summer. If only this can be carried out carefully, better health can be maintained. In order to achieve this successfully people must rely on seasonal healthy foods in addition to regular exercises and walking. These techniques will enable people to gain health skin as well as healthy body. Fruits and vegetables are the various food items available with respect to various seasons. If we can consume these fruits and vegetables with respect to their availability then we will be in sound health through out. Since fruits and vegetables contain minerals and vitamins in abundance, they can be considered as the better alternative for ideal balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables which are available seasonally are capable to keep man in good health all the time. More over, they can be refreshed and rejuvenated all time by taking these foods regularly.
In additional to these seasonal foods if people can take milk and eggs also, nothing extra is needed to maintain better health. Fruits and vegetables are very good supplementary food for eyes, skin, hair, bone, teeth and hemoglobin found in blood. The diet we usually consume are suitable to apply externally also. In this regard certain fruits, vegetables, vegetable juice and fruit juices are recommended to use in our body and face. Fruit juices and vegetables have certain tendencies to reduce our body heat. Hence they are highly recommended for using during summer seasons. No vegetarian foods and dishes are not suitable to develop cool in human body. Hence they are not ideal especially during summer season. In addition to these nutritive foods, people must drink enough water every day. Since water is the main constituent of human body tissues drinking enough water will enable tissues to perform better metabolic activities. Thus seasonal diet and water consumption have key roles to develop better health.

Some Useful Health Tips

Posted by Admin 10:03 PM, under | No comments

Youngsters of these years prefer to be slim in view to look more young and beautiful. This thought is more on young ladies than young men. Loosing weight and looking slim is really wonderful. This is really a dream of those who are bulky in look. This can be achieved by exercising regularly together with diet control. Those who want to be fit in all respects must get up early in the morning. Eight hours sleep is sufficient for a healthy man. Sleeping more is not good to the body. Hence after eight hours comfortable sleep everybody should get up early in the morning. Morning is the best time for doing daily exercises. During morning hours the environment will be slightly cool even during summer. Hence doing exercises in the morning will not make people to get tired so easily. People can breathe fresh air during morning hours. The process polluting atmospheric air will not have started in the morning. Hence the ideal time for doing exercises is morning.
Apart from exercising, people can choose either walking or swimming. Both for walking and swimming morning are highly desirable. Walking is beneficial in numerous ways comparing to exercising. Walking can be performed by all irrespective age and health conditions where as health should be considered preliminarily while doing exercises. There may be some side effects in the process of doing exercises. For a fresher there may be pain or uneasiness in the body on successive days. The fresher has to experience these difficulties until their body respond to the exercising process. But in walking no such difficulties can be found. For a fresher in walking, minimum distance is sufficient for the first day. Then the distances can be gradually increased in the next coming days. In this way individuals can walk considerable distances daily. If both walking and exercising are continued the people can maintain good health through out in their life.


Beauty Pop Quiz: Test Your Hair, Nails and Makeup Know-How!

Posted by Admin 1:11 AM, under | No comments

Does toothpaste cure a pimple? Does shaving really make hair grow back darker? Test yourself here.

Do you need to change your shampoo every three months?
Photo: Mark Liebowitz
No. If you get a chemical process or notice new scalp issues like flakes or excess oil, “a different shampoo may be necessary,” says Elizabeth Cunnane, trichologist at the Philip Kingsley Hair Clinic in New York City. But you can’t become immune to a shampoo. So if you love it, stick with it!

More from Glamour

Will dotting toothpaste on a pimple get rid of it?
Photo: Mark Liebowitz
Most of the docs we spoke with weren’t crazy about the idea—lots of toothpastes contain irritants like bleaching agents. But it does work. Just get a plain formula—nothing with whiteners. Even better: “Try a spot treatment with salicylic acid,” says West Palm Beach, Florida, derm Kenneth Beer, M.D.

Is cutting cuticles bad for nails?
Photo: Mark Liebowitz
True: Snipping cuticles puts you at risk for painful hangnails or, even worse, infections. To gently nudge them into place, use an orange stick or try this trick: “After each hand wash, push back cuticles with a towel,” says Los Angeles manicurist Elsbeth Schuetz. Soothe dry cuticles with olive oil or Schuetz’s fix, Vicks VapoRub.

Will you get wrinkles if you sleep with eye makeup?
Photo: Mark Liebowitz
Don’t blame mascara: The issue is really that “women who sleep with makeup on are likely not using skin care products at night,” says Heather Woolery-Lloyd, a Miami dermatologist. Before bed, cleanse, moisturize and pat on eye cream.

Does sniffing too many scents desensitize your nose?
Photo: Cathy Crawford
Yep! When you go fragrance shopping, don’t test more than three in a row. Your palate will fill up, and you won’t be able to tell whether the next scent smells amazing—or reeks!

Does crossing legs cause spider veins?
Photo: Mark Liebowitz
Nope, but what does cause them: “Pregnancy, smoking, being on your feet a lot, or birth control pills,” says Boston derm Ranella Hirsch. Especially if you’re genetically predisposed. To prevent ‘em, elevate your feet while watching TV, exercise and eat healthy. Sums up Dr. Hirsch: “What’s good for the heart is good for the skin.”

Does shaving make your hair grow back darker?
Photo: Mark Liebowitz
False—but it does appear that way. “When you blunt-cut hair—like with a razor—it looks thicker,” explains Montclair, New Jersey, derm Jeanine Downie. Waxing pulls out hair from the root, so it grows back in without that edge, making it seem finer.

Does Preparation H ointment depuff eyes?
Photo: Mark LiebowitzTrue…but not the one sold in this country. “Only the Canadian version has Bio-Dyne, the ingredient that reduces puffiness. It was removed from the U.S. formula years ago,” says Dr. Woolery-Lloyd. So don’t put it anywhere except your you-know-what!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Winter Makeup Must-Haves

Posted by Admin 10:41 PM, under | No comments

Cold, dry weather is the ultimate beauty nemesis. Skin gets dull and flaky, lips crack and eyes tear, and suddenly your regular makeup routine is no longer working. (Red lipstick on top of cracked lips? EEK!) So check out these winter-specific makeup tips to stay looking dewy and fresh-faced right on through to spring.

Skin Smoother: Most beauty experts are fond of loose mineral foundation if you have visible flakes, but if you can't part with your liquid foundation, add a hydrating, makeup primer underneath to smooth out uneven patches. Most makeup primers are loaded with silicone, which is great for keeping oil in check during the summer, but during the winter you need to add moisture any chance you get, so look for silicone-free formulas. We like Korres Age-Reversing Face Primer Quercetin & Oak and 100% Pure Luminous Primer Vitamins + Antioxidants. If you want the most low-maintenance makeup routine possible, bypass primer/foundation altogether and use a dewy tinted moisturizer with sunscreen instead. Jouer Luminizing Moisture Tint SPF 20 is a great one.

Sweet Cheeks: Powder blush has a tendency to sit on top of dry skin, which ends up looking artificial and cakey. Fake a natural (youthful!) flush with a cream blush formula like NYC New York Color Blushable Creme Stick. Simply dab it on the apples of your cheeks and blend out and down.

Lash Love: Frigid air can cause instant tears and runny makeup around your eye area. Because of this skip mascara on your bottom lashes and use Cover Girl LashBlast Length Water Resistant Mascara on the top. (Another benefit of using cream blush is that if you get tear streaks you can easily blend them away.)

Lip Lock: We love lip stains, but they have the tendency to suck the life right out of your pucker. Recently a makeup artist told us about Cover FX MintGlaze FX lip primer, which you can layer underneath any lipstick or stain to hydrate your lips and smooth dry flakes. You can even use it throughout the day on top of your lip color to stay moist.

5 Tips to Save Your Skin Just in time for winter, here are 5 pro tips to prevent irritation -- or stop it.

Posted by Admin 10:22 PM, under | No comments

1. Don't Expose Unprotected Skin
Don't expose unprotected skin to wind and cold. "Low winter temperatures can damage your skin by disrupting the barrier that normally locks moisture into your skin," says Dr. Bank. "And when there are chinks in that armor, microscopic droplets of water can escape and freeze on the skin's surface, causing additional redness, chapping, and irritation." If you can't avoid exposure, apply a rich lotion first, such as Origins All-Purpose High-Elevation Cream Dry Skin Relief ($25, Origins). And bundle up in a scarf, but make sure it's a breathable, natural fabric such as cotton, silk, or cashmere (though not other wools — the fibers are notoriously itch-inducing).

2. Do Drink 1.5 to 2 Quarts of Water Per Day
Do drink 1.5 to 2 quarts of water per day to ensure that your skin is sufficiently hydrated. Increase this amount during the holiday season if you're going to increase your alcohol consumption, says Dr. Bank. (Alcohol is a diuretic and can rob the body of much-needed water. For that matter, so is caffeine.)
 3. Don't Slack on Your Diet
"Immune system health, which depends on proper intake of vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, can influence the reactivity of your skin," says Dr. Bank. A good night's sleep helps in this department, too.
4. Don't Let Stress Ravage Your Skin
"Stress can actually increase sensitivity to environmental factors, leaving your skin more prone to irritation," says Dr. Bank. So practice yoga, curl up with a trashy novel, or find some other way to unwind.
5. Do Soften Your Laundry
Do launder clothing with dye- and fragrance-free detergent, fabric softener, and dryer sheets. Both additives can cause itching and rashes. Try Tide Liquid Detergent Free & Gentle ($9, drugstores) and Ultra Downy Free & Sensitive Fabric Softener ($9, drugstores).

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Friday Freebies: Makeup, Lightbulbs, Waffles and More!

Posted by Admin 4:20 AM, under | No comments

The Friday freebie roundup this week includes a sample of a new CoverGirl makeup product, lightbulbs, coffee and a waffle. Plus, there is a hot deal for a $25-value photo book (though you have to pay a few bucks for shipping) and a movie rental. Happy weekend to you

Get a free sample of CoverGirl foundation through Walmart when you share your name, address, email and birth year. Then answer three multiple-choice questions about your use of liquid foundation. The sample is of CoverGirl's new Natureluxe liquid foundation, which apparently is much lighter and natural looking than past liquid foundations. Caveats: while supplies last; available to U.S. residents only; one per household. Expect the free sample to arrive in a few weeks in the mail.

Get two free lightbulbs and a free LED keychain light from Lamps Plus when you join its email list. No purchase is necessary. For the lightbulbs, you can choose either two 57-watt type-"A" bulbs (that's the most commonly used kind) or two free 40-watt chandelier bulbs. The LED keychain light sells for $15, not sure about the lightbulbs. Share your name, zip code and email to get coupons for the free lightbulbs and free LED keychain sent to you. Share your address if you want to receive the Lamps Plus catalog, although that's not necessary to get the freebies. Both freebie coupons must be redeemed in store. There are many more freebies with purchase available through Lamps Plus. Click the link above for details. Caveats: not valid online.

Download Borders' free e-reading app and get a free small coffee during your next visit to a Borders Cafe. Just show the barista that you've downloaded the free e-reader app to your smartphone, laptop or tablet. No coupon needed. It's unclear how long this freebie will last.

Use this coupon to snack on a free waffle at the Waffle House through Mar. 1, 2011. You can get any variety waffle for free with the coupon above. Make sure to show the server the coupon when you order (and tip on the full price even though you are getting it for free). States with Waffle House restaurants include Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia. Caveats: One coupon per customer, per visit. Valid only at participating Waffle House locations. Cannot be combined with any other coupons or offers.

Parents who register on Club BK, Burger King's free loyalty program, can get a coupon for a free kids meal on their child's birthday. Registering your child is not required. To get the coupon emailed to you: Share your birth date, name, address, gender, email, and create a password for the site. Club BK also wants to know how often you eat at Burger King each month and how many kids you have at home, but sharing these last two items of info is optional.

Here are two great photo freebies through Snapfish and Shutterfly. At Snapfish, get a free Classic Photo Book, which normally sells for $25, when you pay the $7 shipping. Use Snapfish coupon code SOAPBOOK to snag the freebie. Ends Jan. 22, 2011. At Shutterfly, get one free Valentine's Day card customized with your photo with freebie code CARD4U. Ends Feb. 2, 2011. Choose from a 5"x7" greeting card or a 5"x5" or 5"x7" stationery greeting card. You have to pay taxes, shipping and handling.

Head on over to Blockbuster Express for a free one-night movie rental using coupon code MRC37H, good through Feb. 25, 2011. Caveats: If you keep a DVD more than one night, you'll pay additional nightly fees of $1 plus tax. One redemption per person. For more free movie rental coupons, sign up for the Redbox and Blockbuster Express email lists. You need a credit or debit card to rent from either chain.

Don't forget to check out the contest on my personal money saving blog,, to win $750 in prizes, including a $50 grocery gift card and 150 "I brake for bargains" bumper stickers.